Upcoming Auditions
Decrepitude Blues - A new Play by Kingston author Douglas Bowie
Performances: June 5-21, 2025
Audition Dates (held at Domino Theatre, 52 Church St):
Sunday March 16, 2 to 4pm
Tuesday March 18, 6:30 to 8:30pm
3 women - 30 to 60 age range
1 woman - 60 to 70 age range
1 man - to play 70 years of age
Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
You may also present a monologue of your choice.
Please call Director Liz Schell 613-544-3928 for information or to borrow a script.
Contact by email: domino.
If you would like to be notified by email of future Domino auditions, please email webmaster@dominotheatre.com to be added.